This document will have everything from the buyer and seller’s information, a description of the item up for sale, the date of the sale, any other terms or warranties, and finally signatures from the buyer, seller, and any witnesses. I dec la re under penal ty o f per ju ry that the sta te m ent s her e in cont a ined a re true and co rre ct to the bes t o f m y know ledge and belie f. The buyer may provide a security deposit to the current owner while arrangement for a thorough inspection is conducted. I dec la re under penal ty o f per ju ry that the sta te m ent s her e in cont a ined a re true and co rre ct to the bes t o f m y know ledge and belie f. It serves as proof of ownership and holds both parties (the buyer and the seller) accountable to the agreed terms listed in the bill of sale. A mobile home bill of sale is used to prove the legal sale and purchase of a manufactured home (mobile home) between a buyer and seller.
A Generic Bill of Sale form is used as a receipt that describes all the details of the transaction between a buyer and a seller.